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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Notes on "PASSION"!!!

Passion - Have you ever thought what does this word really mean? You must have heard this word right from the stage when you went to high school to graduation in all the contexts like education,job,new found love,not found love,music,arts,literature etc n etc.And today I have discovered a meaning to this word and thought of penning down my thoughts so that I do not lose it in the Whirlpool of existing confusions!!To be precise I am not talking about a passion which acts as the source for bread & jam but as the one which always serves as Red Wine with richly baked almond cookies!!This is one aspect which stabilizes me when the external environment devours me! This has the ability to awake me up from my deep slumber!This enables me to think that Sky is the limit!This always reassures me there is a solace!I was wondering for a long time that the set of blessed people who has potential to be evangelists are a rarity!But to my surprise I realized that it is an art that is practiced with an intense , non giving up passion!

P - Powerful
A - Anecdotal
S - Supreme
S - Summons the Soul
I - Indulgence
O - Oxygen stimulator
N - Noticeable!!

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