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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feel after the 'Awaited' Moment!

Here , I am sitting after experiencing the moment which i was yearning for the past 2 years in my life!I lived the life of a techie for 2 years and was mulling over the IT Grind.I still remember the moment when i bagged my first job in Life. It was a bright evening with lots of anxious crowds around me dying & vying to bag one of the excellent jobs in campus.Thinking about it now,it feels like I was an innocent kid who just enjoyed the candy bar in the hand without having no thoughts about tooth decay or any of that sort!I wanted to live that moment of happiness again...But today ,after i bagged jobs with one of the best employers in the country,the childish happiness was not existing in me! But I felt for the first time that I have grown up!Rather feeling of getting evolved and staying at the state of tranquility gave me happiness. I was feeling happy to realize that the constancy factor in the emotional graph is scaling up.These times also made me realize that 'It is better to do a job where you master at rather than craving for some unknown'.It is better to listen to one's own heart rather than going by popular perception.

GD's - A different game altogether!!It s an art of its own with a mixture of emotioness like anxiety,calmness,agitation,anger,INTELLECT..

And the Personal Interviews!

Interviewer - We will get back to you
Should be assumed 'he will never get back'

Interviewer- Tell me something else other than your resume
Should be assumed ' I want to hear more about you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great ..