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Friday, January 8, 2010

Availability Status!!

Attraction,Infactuation,Fling,Love,Break ups,Committment,Marriage... These are the words which we keep hearing the moment we enter the age of 15.the one question we keep hearing time and again 'So what's your status?'.'Best cue to find if the person is interested in changing your status when this question is asked' .n keep stumbling across different people..half of them you think are jerks,half of them you like talking to once n others you like talking for a period of time..n very few you want to talk to forever!Estrogen & Testostereone gets charged up and deprived in different phases...Half of the times you feel 'Being single is a bliss'..& other times 'Why god ,Why'!! this is one of the in evitable things !!!You keep hearing categorizations like 'Fling is for the daring ones'!'Love is for the softer ones'!Cutting out all that,you cannot avoid getting addicted to 'Romance factor' in Life..Vitamin 'R' is more energizing than Vitamin 'D'.. The moment you acquaint with a guy who has striking personality ,your inner sense wants to talk more to him...Ohh! Wait a second ,it does not stop there..talking turns to spending time to more time to a state you do not know what to do?!!There you are lost in the fake reality wondering what to do without realising its all a farce and it is the step to get hurt more!You behave like a child who worries more for the chocolate instead of the pain after getting hurt!!!You cry over nothing to realise at the end that 'Oh man ,did i really cry for that..u must be kidding me'!!After a period you grow up to a stage where you realise that this entire game of attachment/love is nothing but a set of chemicals like pheromones,dopamine,norepinephrine & serotonin gets released which leads to loss of apetite, excitement ,loss of sleep!!!Ahh!! so you feel 'What the heck ,but no you can't escape the bio chemical reaction that happens every time you fall for a person and life is futile without it & we all knonw we need it and hence keep waiting for it'!!

P.S - Now don't ask my availability Status!!

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