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Friday, November 26, 2010

Ten Commandments of my life!

Oh hello there again! I have this zillion thoughts running in my mind now! So, you don't have an option but to listen to me my blog.....

1. If you cannot enjoy the day today, you can never enjoy the day tomorrow!
2. If a thing has to go to the dumps, it will anyways go..Y run behind and waste energy !
3. Never take things literally the way they are a) they make it boring b) coz they never ain't the same!
4. If you do not treat yourself well, well you are in for trouble coz no-one will!
5. Never postpone a fun activity that you can be part of today!
6. Chronology always makes sense when it comes to treating people!
7. Intuitions works 8 out of 10 times!
8. Every minuscule thing happens for some reason or other!
9. I can envisage all the signals for a royal destruction if either heart or brain starts existing alone!
10. Humor is the quintessential part of life!You only grow by criticism

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