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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Notes on "PASSION"!!!

Passion - Have you ever thought what does this word really mean? You must have heard this word right from the stage when you went to high school to graduation in all the contexts like education,job,new found love,not found love,music,arts,literature etc n etc.And today I have discovered a meaning to this word and thought of penning down my thoughts so that I do not lose it in the Whirlpool of existing confusions!!To be precise I am not talking about a passion which acts as the source for bread & jam but as the one which always serves as Red Wine with richly baked almond cookies!!This is one aspect which stabilizes me when the external environment devours me! This has the ability to awake me up from my deep slumber!This enables me to think that Sky is the limit!This always reassures me there is a solace!I was wondering for a long time that the set of blessed people who has potential to be evangelists are a rarity!But to my surprise I realized that it is an art that is practiced with an intense , non giving up passion!

P - Powerful
A - Anecdotal
S - Supreme
S - Summons the Soul
I - Indulgence
O - Oxygen stimulator
N - Noticeable!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feel after the 'Awaited' Moment!

Here , I am sitting after experiencing the moment which i was yearning for the past 2 years in my life!I lived the life of a techie for 2 years and was mulling over the IT Grind.I still remember the moment when i bagged my first job in Life. It was a bright evening with lots of anxious crowds around me dying & vying to bag one of the excellent jobs in campus.Thinking about it now,it feels like I was an innocent kid who just enjoyed the candy bar in the hand without having no thoughts about tooth decay or any of that sort!I wanted to live that moment of happiness again...But today ,after i bagged jobs with one of the best employers in the country,the childish happiness was not existing in me! But I felt for the first time that I have grown up!Rather feeling of getting evolved and staying at the state of tranquility gave me happiness. I was feeling happy to realize that the constancy factor in the emotional graph is scaling up.These times also made me realize that 'It is better to do a job where you master at rather than craving for some unknown'.It is better to listen to one's own heart rather than going by popular perception.

GD's - A different game altogether!!It s an art of its own with a mixture of emotioness like anxiety,calmness,agitation,anger,INTELLECT..

And the Personal Interviews!

Interviewer - We will get back to you
Should be assumed 'he will never get back'

Interviewer- Tell me something else other than your resume
Should be assumed ' I want to hear more about you

Monday, January 11, 2010


12 Jan 2010

Whhooo!!!After a spell bound party yesterday nite, I felt as fresh as the drop of dew which blanketed the sleepy raising rays of sunshine !!I danced till my leg folded its hands and begged me to rest!I was synchronising with the music till the moment where my body refused to move!Be it a pulsating tone or a hindi or a punjabi or an english number,I was jumping to touch the sky every single minute of the party!!Though my body refused to race at the speed of my heart,my brain pushed me to experience the Fun till the last moment!!I was lost in a crazy world to just realise I need more fun loving moments like this!!I did not care anything in the world except that moment where I was celebrating the treat of life!!was surrounded by all sorts of crazy people around who were lost in their own worlds of fun!!I was also one of the millions of victims of human addictions and pleasure!I experienced happiness to infinity!My heart yearned for 'More'!!My sanity in mood of insaneness re woke me up to many facts!The loud music, racing heart,adrenalin rush ,tapping feet took me to the world of happiness!!

P.S - Dedicated to more Fun Moments like this in Life!!Cheers!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Unreality in Reality
Fakeness in Originality
Cruelty in Deep affection
Demon in God
Devil in Angel
Hattteee in Love
Materialism in Love
Danger in Happiness
Bondage in Seperation
Freedom in Slavery
Pull in touch
Enemity in Frenship
Despise in Lust
Kindness in Mayhem
Poverty in Royalty
Royalty in Poverty
Sin in Virtue
Beast in Beauty
Beginning in an end

The list goes on and on.......

Why does every single thing i encounter seem to be a dichotomy to me?!!!

Availability Status!!

Attraction,Infactuation,Fling,Love,Break ups,Committment,Marriage... These are the words which we keep hearing the moment we enter the age of 15.the one question we keep hearing time and again 'So what's your status?'.'Best cue to find if the person is interested in changing your status when this question is asked' .n keep stumbling across different people..half of them you think are jerks,half of them you like talking to once n others you like talking for a period of time..n very few you want to talk to forever!Estrogen & Testostereone gets charged up and deprived in different phases...Half of the times you feel 'Being single is a bliss'..& other times 'Why god ,Why'!! this is one of the in evitable things !!!You keep hearing categorizations like 'Fling is for the daring ones'!'Love is for the softer ones'!Cutting out all that,you cannot avoid getting addicted to 'Romance factor' in Life..Vitamin 'R' is more energizing than Vitamin 'D'.. The moment you acquaint with a guy who has striking personality ,your inner sense wants to talk more to him...Ohh! Wait a second ,it does not stop there..talking turns to spending time to more time to a state you do not know what to do?!!There you are lost in the fake reality wondering what to do without realising its all a farce and it is the step to get hurt more!You behave like a child who worries more for the chocolate instead of the pain after getting hurt!!!You cry over nothing to realise at the end that 'Oh man ,did i really cry for that..u must be kidding me'!!After a period you grow up to a stage where you realise that this entire game of attachment/love is nothing but a set of chemicals like pheromones,dopamine,norepinephrine & serotonin gets released which leads to loss of apetite, excitement ,loss of sleep!!!Ahh!! so you feel 'What the heck ,but no you can't escape the bio chemical reaction that happens every time you fall for a person and life is futile without it & we all knonw we need it and hence keep waiting for it'!!

P.S - Now don't ask my availability Status!!