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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Innocence to Efficience!

Innocence of child's heart is the purest form of human being. This is the reason, even why children are compared to the almighty!. Child's presence can be the best stress buster. Their innocent plays and cute words can make even a stone heart to melt.. Every child is special and is god's gift. The way they are brought up plays an integral part in their success ! Channelisation of thoughts in the positive direction and creating a postive energy is one of the vital duty of every parent. To do this effectively, ample amount of time need to be spent with the child and lots of care and affection need to be showered upon the child. But in today's busy world ,people are very much career oriented and rat race is ever going on. As they say, if you run after expectations, you ever keep running!! Rather than expecting a mountain out of mole hill and exerting pressure on the kids, we must let them enrich in the field they are fascinated,no matter what it is! By doing this, we can discover great talents in them and let them grow as an efficient person and in a broader sense,youth icon to our nation!! As they say,nation's growth depends on individuals! So,lets get realize our duty and importance and get started towards this huge yet simple task!! Jai Hind!

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